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Become A Mentor In 30 Seconds, Flat

I spend a lot of time thinking about finding mentors and building relationships with people whom I can look to for advice and guidance. I spend less time, truthfully, looking for mentees. I probably don’t give myself as much credit as I should (who would want me as a mentor?) and I’m also admittedly too self-absorbed as an entrepreneur, writer, and mom-to-three as to be actively on the lookout for others I can help and mentor.

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new, mentoringJodi Glickman
The New Mentorship Model

Mentorship matters. There’s no question about it. You aren’t going to keep moving up the proverbial ladder without the guidance and support of those who’ve walked in your shoes.  But the concept of “formal” mentorship is daunting and less relevant than ever before.  Like everything, mentorship is changing.  Here are four ways to make the new model work for you

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new, mentoringJodi Glickman