Make ‘Em Love You @ Work (It’s Here!)

I couldn't be happier to announce that my new LinkedIn Influencer and Thought Leader Course is here! Got two minutes to spare? Or 26 if you're a gunner and want to go through the whole thing? Grab a cup of joe and come sit down with me.

How do you make people love you at work? Why should you bother? Here's why: because you'll find work that is compelling, challenging, exciting, and fulfilling. And when I love you, I'll do anything and everything for you to help you succeed.

I teach people how to be great on the job every day in every situation. Whether you're on top of your game or you have no idea what's going on, I can show you how to make people love you at work- in a totally professional, platonic work-appropriate way.

And you don't have to take some crazy class. You don't have to study.  Making me love you is all about four simple themes- the GIFT of Great on the Job: Generosity, Initiative, Forward Momentum and Transparency. This course will show you how to put GIFT into practice immediately, so that you become the person that I love, the one I will hire, pay, promote, champion, mentor, sponsor..

Intrigued? Here's what others have said:

"Thank you for investing your time in this video. It was definitely worth watching. I will be recommending this to my manager as required viewing by my team."

"This videos are dynamite. I'm thinking we should send this out to all my colleagues as a follow up to your training in April."

"OMFG, This is so awesome. I could literally watch a 9 hour webinar of this. So clear. So concise. So funny. So precise. Perfect pace. Great Job!"

let me know what you think!